Friday, February 26, 2010

EI Rates might be cut - MORE URGENT THAN EVER!


MORE URGENT THAN EVER!! The DOH in Albany has indicated that they are NOT BUDGING and plan to pass proposed regulations that would drastically cut EI rates, allow para-professionals to replace Special Instructors, and force EI agencies to bill Medicaid directly.

Please visit Encourage your friends, family members, and the families for whom you provide to visit as well - one button emails ALL decision makers. Stand up for EI!!!!

KEEP E-MAILING - Let Albany know that this is unacceptable!

Spread the word!! Find Cooper Kids Therapy on Facebook and become a fan - let all of your Facebook friends know how important this is to you! Encourage them to email decision makers with one click! Share our posts on your profile. The more people who see this and email - THE BETTER!!

Follow us on Twitter - @cktherapy. Retweet our announcements encouraging people to stand up for EI! Get your followers involved!

Visit our blog - forward the link to your entire address book. Encourage everyone you know to take a stand!

Don't let New York's at-risk children down. Don't let your rates be reduced!!! Let the politicians know how you feel - stand up for EI!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

URGENT: The Governor's Budget Proposals and Rules changes from DOH severely threaten services to children in the Early Intervention Program. Among the most detrimental changes are RATE CUTS for services and CO-PAYMENTS for parents. NOW is the time to act!

There is ONE SIMPLE and POWERFUL STEP you can take of sending... an e-mail to ALL decision-makers in Albany by visiting Please take this action yourself, and also urge ALL of the families you serve, as well as ALL of your own friends and families to visit to be heard in Albany with ONE SIMPLE STEP.

We must partner to problem-solve, and now is the time for action to support children in Early Intervention.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Save Early Intervention!!!!

One simple step to email ALL decision makers and help SAVE EARLY INTERVENTION. Please visit Encourage your friends, family members, and the families for whom you provide to visit as well - one button emails ALL decision makers. Stand up for EI!!!! Take the time and get as many people as possible to visit!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Article on Stuttering from CNN

Here is an article from CNN on new research into what causes stuttering.