Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oppose Early Intervention Parent Fee Proposal

The NYS Legislature may consider the budget, including the proposal to charge parents fees for Early Intervention services, as early as the week of March 23rd. It is critical to spread the word and take action now!

1. Email your state legislators via the InterAgency Council's Web site. An email for parents of children in EI and an email for staff are both available at

2. Add your name to the New York Zero-to-Three Network's online petition at

3. Forward this information to as many people as possible and urge others to take action!

4. For more information and updates on what you can do to oppose this proposal, contact Randi Levine at (212) 822-9532 or

Copied from the NYC Parent to Parent Website

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reminder about EI cuts

In today's economy everybody is hurting. Please take the time to send a message to Gov. Patterson that our children shouldn't suffer for it. Take a moment to visit this website and learn how the NYS legislature is proposing to cut funding to Early Intervention.

Once you access the site, there is a link you can click on to print out preaddressed letters to politicians in Albany. Please print the letters and sign them. Ask your family, friends, and EI families to sign a set as well and mail them off. Let Albany know that it is not acceptable to cut funds to developmentally delayed and disabled children!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

NYCEI - Documenting Missed Sessions

According to NYCEI regulations – therapists must document on their session notes anytime a child is absent, whether it’s due to illness, vacation, etc on the part of the child and/or the therapist.

Please be sure that you write on your session notes each date that you are scheduled to go in and document if you or the child missed the session. DO NOT have the parent or caregiver sign for any missed sessions. Just document the date that was missed and the reason.

Also, if you provide a makeup session, document which session is a makeup by writing “makeup” in the margin next to the session. If you’d like, you can also list the date that you are making up in the margin.

Please also note, if a child misses three consecutive sessions you MUST document it on a new form that gets completed and faxed to our office. We will forward the completed forms to the child’s Service Coordinator and file it in the child’s chart. Our office sent the form out via email - but feel free to call us if you ever need a copy! We'll also work on having the form posted to our website at

Monday, March 9, 2009

Therapist Referral Program

Cooper Kids introduced a new Therapist Referral Program effective January 6, 2009! We are actively recruiting therapists looking to pick up EI cases in the Queens, Bronx, and Brooklyn areas. If you know of a friend and/or colleague who is looking in those areas, please refer them to Cooper Kids and receive a $50 referral bonus per therapist after they submit their first invoice. Please see the details below for eligibility:

1. Therapist must be new to Cooper Kids Therapy and not currently listed in our database. They must also be properly licensed and/or certified for the Early Intervention Program.

2. Therapist must sign up with Cooper Kids and accept a case in the Bronx, Queens, or Brooklyn.

3. After an eligible therapist submits their first month of billing, we mail you a check for $50!

Please pass along our information to your friends and colleagues! Be sure to have them contact Anne-Marie Lynch at (516) 496-4460 ext 112 or and have them mention your name! Help spread the word to friends and colleagues by becoming a fan of Cooper Kids Therapy on Thanks!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Actively Recruiting Providers

Cooper Kids Therapy Associates is an Early Intervention Agency actively seeking new providers to work with us as Independent Contractors. We provide Early Intervention services and evaluations in Nassau County, Suffolk County, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. We are seeking the following providers:

  • NYS Licensed Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Nutritionists, and Social Workers.
  • NYS Certified Special Instructors (Certification must be permanent Special Instruction or Birth - Grade 2)
  • NYS Certified Teacher of Speech and Hearing Handicapped

Earn extra money on your own terms and around your schedule! Call our office at 516-496-4460 ext. 112 if you or someone you know is interested in learning more about becoming an Early Intervention Provider.